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Mor-/barn-profil for Janni og Annastacia

- Min lille smukke pige -
- Min lille smukke pige -

Mor: Janni, 44 år ( 25/6)
Datter: Annastacia, 20 år 8 mdr

Fødselsdato: 7/1-2004 kl 13:05
Oprindelig termin:13/1-2004
Født da mor var 39+1 henne
Fødselsvægt: 3670 g
Fødselslængde: 47 cm
Fødested: New Jersey
Bopæl: USA
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- mor og Annastacia -
- mor og Annastacia -
. Info . Vægt og længde . Motorik . Tænder . Billeder . Fødslen .


Ja den er altså på engelsk, jeg er for doven til at skriven den på dansk *GG*

My original due date was january 13'th, but when you are sceduled for a c-section they ask you to come in about a week before your due date. So together with my doctor we agreed on wedensday january 7'th.
So the 7'th comes around. I got up around 6:30/7:00 (I couldnt sleep anymore, I was so excited) I took a nice long shower then got dressed and woke up John... Went in the kitchen to make Lukas's lunch box so it was ready for school. My grandmother was here so she could make sure Lukas was going to get up in time for school, and we had planned with nanny Debbi that she was going to pick up Lukas and my grandmother, and after they dropped Lukas off in school they were going to come down to the hospital.
We leave home to get down to the hospital for 8:00am as planned, we go in and get admitted to the labor and delivery floor. Here we get installed in this little preb-room where I change in to the hospital gown and we fill out all the necessary papers. The nurse comes in and preb me for the c-section, and then tells us that we'll go to the OR in 15 minutes.
John went out to the waiting room to see if his mom and my grandmother was there yet, and they were. He brought them in to the preb room so they could say hi and talk for a little bit. Then the nurse comes in again and we get all excited thinking now we're going to the OR, but no she tells us that an emergency cesarean had come up so we would have to wait a bit longer. Well John's mom and my grandmother was send back out to the waiting room because another couble came into the room. Another 30 minutes pass and the nurse comes in again (I think it was about 10:30am at this point) she sadly informs us that yet another emergency cesarean has come up and we'll have to wait a bit longer again... And so it happens like 2 more times! I was going crazy just laying there waiting, I was so uncomfortable and I wasn't allowed to move because I had the heart monitor for the baby around my belly.
Well finally at about 12:15pm the doctor comes in and tells us that they are going to bring me up to the OR in 5 minutes. John gets left behind for now so he can get dressed in this funny looking white suit. (he later told me how he almost fell when he was trying to get it on...I would have loved to see that) Meanwhile they drive me into the OR and oh my gosh it is cold in there, I move over on the or table and sit on the edge so the anesthesiologist can put in the spinal and numb me from chest down. Since this was my second cesarean I knew what to expect, I remember when they put in the epidural when I had my son I was so nervous. But this time is was a piece of cake, it didn't even hurt. Then they help me to lay down since I was already all numb 30 seconds later, they put up the screen so I couldn't see anything of what was happening to my belly and get ready to cut me...
At this point I have already asked like 5 times when my husband is going to come in, and Im starting to think they have forgot about him. In he comes, and almost before he sits down the doctor makes the incision. Im just laying there looking up at my husband who is looing over the screen to see whats going on and Im thinking to myself the whole time "I know it's a boy!" (though through the whole pregnancy I was hoping and praying for a little girl) I hear someone say the head is out and that the umbilical cord was around the neck twice! I hear the suction and a big cry, Im still looking at my husband waiting for him to say what it is...... But he isn't saying one word, I just see tears in his eyes and then he points the camera at my face while he says "IT'S A GIRL" Oh my god I could not belive it, we had a little girl and then the tears just stared running, I was so happy!
After she was out they put her on the cleaning table to clean her off a bit and John went over by her to take some pictures. The nurse then put her in his arms so he could show her to me, the first this I notised about her was how much she looked like John, she was like a little mini-John, but oh my how beautiful she was! After we took a couble of pictures of the 3 of us together they had to bring her to the nursery because it was so cold in the OR, so John went with her while I got stitched together. After the stitching was done they put me in a room right next to the OR and I had to stay there for 2 hours so they could keep a close eye on me, and so they could start me on the morfin. John in the meantime was with Anna the whole time, and he had his mother and my grandmother in the nursery to she our new little princess. And then he was taking a ton of pictures and making some movies of her, that he could come and show me while I was laying there relaxing after the ceserean. Then after the 2 hours I was supposed to lay there they finally moved me to the room I was going to stay in with my little girl for the next couble of days. And about an hour after I was moved into my room they brought Anna into me, and i got to hold her for the first time... It was such a great feeling to finally hold my little beautiful angle in my arms and breastfeed her for the first time.

Søskende på babylisten:

John Jr. (19 år 5 mdr)
Lukas (26 år 2 mdr)

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Profilen er senest opdateret d. 29/11-2005

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